Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The joys of childhood...

I love the joys of childhood. The discovery of "drawing", the copying of your actions, whether it be putting on your make-up or maybe a "slip up" of the language, but are we enjoying those now?!? NO... we are enjoying another joy of childhood, random fevers. Lainey has been spiking a 102.5 fever now for 3 days. No other symptoms, just the fever. In fact, she doesn't even act sick until the fever show up, then the whinning never stops until the tylonal kicks in. The fevers aren't all day. In fact, she will go almost 24 hours before the fever rears it's ugly head once again. I finally broke down and took her to the doctor this evening thinking maybe a bladder infection or an ear infection. Ears look great, throat looks great, she is acting great, urine sample looks fine... We just get to suffer through the "random fevers" of childhood. Oh the joys of childhood. I guess on the plus side, I now have an excuse to just cuddle with my little girl on the couch instead of doing the laundry.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Good News, FINALLY

So, after having some serious preggo brain, and mistaken the date of my doctor's appointment, Yesterday my Doc cancelled cuz she was sick. We rescheduled for today. I have been there and back and I am happy to say that


The little peanut looks wonderful. Heartrate of 158, they couldn't find the heartrate with the doppler, so we got another quick peek at our baby via ultrasound. It was so amazing how the little peanut changes from week to week. Three weeks ago we saw our peanut on ultrasound and it looked like a "smear" as John called it. You couldn't tell what anything was. Today, I saw the face, the arms, the legs. The baby even waved at me! It really is a miracle! After all the weeks of worry, the 90% chance of miscarriage, and the WAITING, I am finally happy to be able to announce our pregnancy, without worry. Doctor says I am due June 11. I think it is more like June 1, and the baby was measuring "big" today. (about 2 weeks ahead of that june 11 due date, guess mom knows more then previously thought!) We are excited. Kyrin already knows, and is REALLY hoping for a brother. "Sisters can be annoying" I just hope that this one is healthy. After all the scares, it wouldn't suprise me if this one causes more worry in the future, but for now, we will bask in the glory of our pregnancy that is thus far happy and healthy.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

preggo brain?

o.k. I'm claiming preggo brain. I was a day ahead. I don't know when it happened, but it did.... I totally lost track of time (probably a week worth of lost time) and my actual appointment is Thursday... Not Wednesday.

But hey... Let's think of the glass half full, at least I figured it out before I actually went to the appointment and made a fool outta myself. I must not be losing it too badly!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Appointment Day x3

Tomorrow Morning is yet another appointment with my Doctor. This will be the third one since we found out we were pregnant. The joys of being high risk. We HOPEFULLY will be hearing the heartbeat and possibly another ultrasound. The stress this time around is much less as my appointment 2 weeks ago was very "promising". We saw growth in our little bug, and an actually heartbeat which no one, not even the doctors, expected to see. I should be somewhere between 10 weeks and 11 1/2 weeks so hopefully we can hear the heartrate on doppler, no more yuck internal ultrasounds! If this appointment looks good, I will be "down graded" from high risk. I am looking forward to a happy and healthy second trimester! (hopefully without the morning sickness) Here's to hoping!

Monday, November 10, 2008

trial run

So.... this is a HUGE trial run. I have no idea if I am dedicated enough to stay on top of a blog... let alone figure out all this choas that is the blogging world. So... Here's to a trial run.